RH-FL V Area Search Test
This test consists of 2 parts: Nose work and obedience. See IRO Tests for more general information about tests.
Nose work
Total 100 points.
Work mode in search: 30 points
Alert at the person: 70 points
- 5000㎡ open and covered terrain.
- 10 minutes
- 1 victim, in the open (maybe in the bushes etc. but not covered)
- The judge especially evaluates the teamwork between the handler and the dog.
- Actual are is not always a perfect rectangle.
The first false alert devalues the exercise by 20 points.
Obedience & Dexterity
Total 100 points.
- On-Leash Heeling (10 points)
- Going through a Group of People (10 points)
- Down with Recall (10 points)
- Change of Position (15 points)
- Down under Distraction (10 points)
- Carry and Handover (10 points)
- Traversing unpleasant Material (15 points)
- Tunnel with Tube (10 points)
- Traversing an elevated rigid wooden Board (10 points)
On-Leash Heeling (10 points)
- In V tests, the dog is on leash.
- Your dog should heel properly, focused and near you.
- Giving extra commands will devalue the exercise.
Making wide turns will devalue the exercise.
All about turns should go towards left side.
The TJ gives the directive to start the exercise. Everything else, such as turns, halt, change of pace etc., is executed without the directive of the TJ or TC. At the beginning of the exercise, the RDT goes out 50 steps on the middle line straight on at normal pace without stopping; during this phase there is the gunshot. After an about turn and an additional 10-15 steps at normal pace, the RDT has to demonstrate a minimum of 10 steps each in fast and slow pace respectively. The change of pace from running to slow has to be done without intermediate steps. The individual gaits need to be clearly distinguishable in the tempo of D and DH. Afterwards, the RDT takes several normal steps and without a change in pace and does the first turn with a leg of 20-25 steps, the second turn with a leg of 25-30 steps, an about turn, additional 10-15 normal steps as well as a basic position. After additional 10-15 normal steps, a turn and 20-25 steps at a normal pace take the RDT back to the middle line, then another basic position.
Going through a Group of People (10 points)
- In V tests, the dog is on leash.
- Your dog should be focused and willing to work throughout the exercise otherwise judge will devalue the exercise.
- Giving extra commands will devalue the exercise.
If your dog shows aggression and attacks a group dog, you will be disqualified.
Every time you start heeling in this exercise you can give 1 command.
You can use either 1 verbal command or 1 visual command but not both.
- After ending the exercise on-leash Heeling, walk towards the judge and the group.
- Stop at the “Group starts” point (red circle in the image).
- Make sure the dog is in basic position when you stop.
- Judge tells the group to walk. Group walks counter-clockwise.
- Ask the judge’s permission to start. Then start heeling, you should go in clockwise.
- Keep approximately 50cm between your dog and the group.
- After completing a half-circle, stop at the “Group stops” point (red square).
- Make sure the dog is in basic position when you stop.
- Judge makes the group stop.
- Ask the judge’s permission to start. Then start heeling, you should go into the group and make a complete 8 around the people with the dogs.
- After completing the 8, stop in the middle of the group. Your dog should sit in the basic position without any command.
- Judge asks the group to leave and tells you to continue.
- You should leave the group with your dog in heeling position. Your dog will be still leashed.
Down with recall (10 points)
The dispatch location is determined by the judge.
- 1 AC and/or VC for “Heeling”
- 1 AC and/or VC for “Down”
- 1 AC and/or VC for “Recall”
- 1 AC and/or VC for “Basic position”
If the dog sits or stands after your “lie down” command then you loose 5 points.
From the basic position, the DH goes with his off-leash heeling dog straight on. After 10- 15 steps, the D has to lie in the direction of movement when given the AC and/or VC for “down” without the DH breaking stride or turning around. After an additional approx. 30 steps walking straight ahead, the DH stops and turns to his dog that is calmly lying down. At the instruction of the judge, the DH calls the D with the AC or VC to “recall”. The D is to come happily and at a fast pace to his DH and sit close in front. On AC, the D has to go in basic position. Mistakes in the development, slow lying down, restless down, slow recall, mistakes in sitting and ending the exercise, as well as additional AC and body aids by the DH devalue accordingly.
Change of Position (15 points)
10 m from the table, the DH assumes the basic position. From there the DH sends his D with AC/VC onto the table. The D has to jump without hesitation on the table and remain standing. The following positions are to be demonstrated at the judge’s instruction on the table – Sit / Down / Stand. At the end of the exercise, the D is recalled by the DH at the instruction of the judge. The D has to sit in front and with 1 AC assume the basic position.
Hesitant mounting, slow recall, mistakes in sitting and ending the exercise, as well as additional AC and body aids by the DH devalue accordingly. Positions that are not shown devalue according to the description in the respective test level.
Carry and Hand-over (10 points)
An assistant (HP) is made available. From the basic position the D jumps onto the table at the AC and/or VC, from which the DH picks up the D, carries him 10 steps straight on and hands him over to the HP. During the carry, the D’s tail must be free. The DH should be capable of carrying his dog. If the DH is not capable of carrying his dog, a HP will execute the picking up from a table, carry and hand over. The DH goes along at the same level until the handing over and then, after it, carries out the remaining part of the exercise. Thereafter, the HP carries the D next to the DH 10 steps straight on with the head of the D towards the DH. The DH may speak to his D.
If the D is not cooperative, is not calm during the carry, growls slightly or pulls back when picked up or put down, the exercise will be devalued accordingly. If the D jumps off during the carry, the exercise will be scored as insufficient. If the D leaves the HP after having been put down and before the TJ’s instruction, the exercise is to be scored with maximum satisfactory.
Traversing unpleasant Material (15 points)
The DH assumes the basic position with his D in front of the area. With the command to “heel”, the DH steps on the area and goes with his off leash D one time over and back, whereby a halt has to be demonstrated on the return portion. Here the D has to sit quickly. After leaving the area the DH assumes the basic position with his D. Insecure behaviour, hesitation and avoiding materials devalue the exercise accordingly.
Tunnel with Tube (10 points)
Site and execution according to sketch 20.8 and chapter 2.4.1 Execution EvaluationAccording to chapter 3.3.13 If the D does not leave the tunnel or does not stay at the AC, the exercise is considered insufficient.
Execution Evaluation The DH assumes the basic position with his off-leashed D in front of the apparatus. At the AC and/or VC for “through” the D has to go confidently through the apparatus. After the D has left the apparatus, the DH gives the AC and/or VC to “stay”. At the instruction of the TJ, the DH goes to his D and with an AC or VC commands him to assume the basic position. Insecure, hesitant and/or hectic going in and through the obstacle devalue the exercise accordingly. If the D does not leave the tunnel, or does not stay after the AC/VC, the exercise will be scored as insufficient.
Traversing an elevated rigid wooden Board (10 points)
Site and execution according to sketch 20.2
- 1 AC and/or VC for “mounting”;
- 1 AC for “remaining in place”;
- 1 AC for “going further”. According to chapter 3.3.14 If the D jumps off the board within the first half, the exercise is scored with 0 39 / 98FCI / IRO 2019 Int. Trial Rules for Search and Rescue Dog Tests points. If the D jumps off the board after the first half, the exercise if considered insufficient.
Execution Evaluation The DH assumes the basic position with his off leash D in front of the obstacle. At the AC and/or VC to “mount”, the D is to jump onto the board and at an AC to immediately “remain in place” in the direction of movement. At the instruction of the TJ, the DH goes to the side of the D, gives the AC or VC to “Go on” and accompanies the D up to the final basic position. There he stops and his dog independently assumes the basic position. The D has to go the entire length of the wooden board without any fear or being erratic. Insecure, hesitant and/or h